Field Of Honor® Volunteer Sign Up – Sales Tent

Sales Tent Roles:
Tag, Dedication Making – Once a flag purchase or repost is paid for at the Cashier’s station and a flag
location is assigned, the dedication tag needs to be made. This team creates and prints the label based
on the information given by the buyer on their flag order. This team reviews printed tags and ensures that information is correct, attaches it to a special card, laminates it, and punches a hole at one end. It is then given to a
Docent who takes the person or family to their flag and attaches the tag to that flag. This is a low-stress, seated position inside the sales tent.

Help visitors place flag orders, make donations online, and actively sell SWAG (Challenge coins, pins, caps, and visors) and process Square payments. Take cash payments and make change as needed.

Cashier – This position is a customer-facing position inside the sales tent. Cashiers greet visitors and assist with ordering questions. Cashiers will operate iPads to confirm orders and are responsible for cash transactions. [This position is limited to adults only.] Additionally, Cashiers will showcase and help sell pins, challenge coins, buttons, hats, etc… from the front desk. This position is highly dynamic so volunteers should be excellent with speaking with the community and able to multi-task.

This is a seated position that requires strong interpersonal skills and the ability to assist visitors in navigating the online Field of Honor flag sales page. Must also be able to take credit card payments for SWAG using a Square, and to make change for cash sales as needed.

Sign up for either position below!
